Strategies, research, industry trends — your pulse on the marketplace
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Strategies, research, industry trends — your pulse on the marketplace
customer feedback analysis

In this digital age, where every interaction with your customers is an opportunity to learn, harnessing the potential of feedback is a pivotal factor in thriving among fierce competition. Customer feedback analysis is a powerful tool that empowers businesses to understand their target audience, refine their offerings, and build unwavering customer loyalty.


  1. Sources of customer feedback
  2. Ways to analyze customer feedback data
  3. Take action on your customer feedback analysis
  4. Integrate customer feedback analysis into your business strategy

The information you need to grow your business already exists. It’s out there in the world — you just need to find and harness it. Your customers are already talking about your brand whether you want them to or not, and within those conversations they’re leaving valuable insights.

But to reap the benefits of customer feedback, you have to know where to collect it, how to analyze it, and what to do with it, so you can keep your customers coming back again and again. 

Sources of customer feedback

Before you can start your customer feedback analysis, you must first collect it. Customer feedback comes in many different forms. It’s important to know where to look for it to avoid missing important information about how customers feel about your business.


Reviews offer a goldmine of information about your target audience. Within customer reviews, you’ll find genuine, unfiltered opinions shared by customers who have firsthand experience with your product.

When you analyze your reviews, you can find recurring pain points or common issues your customers are facing. These pain points serve as opportunities for improvement. Look at reviews for other similar products on the market, too, to learn what customers like and dislike about them. You can use this information to strategize improvements to your product offering based on demand. 

But how do you get customers to actually leave reviews? Make it easy and convenient for customers to leave reviews — provide clear instructions and user-friendly review platforms. You can also streamline the review process by minimizing steps and eliminating unnecessary barriers, such as requiring account creation. 

Prompt customers to leave a review while their experience is fresh in their minds so you can increase the likelihood of receiving feedback — like by sending them follow-up emails right after a customer makes a purchase. Make it convenient by including a link to your website and/or review platforms.

You can even take it one step further by including a star-rating scale within the body of the email where they can rate their customer service experience or your product with one click.

Review platforms like Yelp, Google, Tripadvisor, and industry-specific sites provide a wealth of info for your customer feedback analysis. If you want people to leave more reviews on these sites, use the direct link to your company’s page on that platform in your review request communications. Then monitor these platforms regularly to collect feedback.

Satisfaction surveys

Satisfaction surveys are an opportunity to gather detailed and specific feedback from customers. You can design the survey to ask specific questions that dig deep into customers’ experiences and expectations, allowing you to uncover valuable insights on what needs to be improved.

With a satisfaction survey, you can get more specific and targeted feedback than you can with reviews. You can ask customers’ opinions about the quality of your products, the level of customer service they received, and your brand in general. If you find commonalities in their answers on a certain topic, you can make a plan to escalate the feedback and implement changes.

For example, if your survey answers consistently show that customers aren’t happy with the quality of your product, work with your product, QA, and other teams to identify where you can improve.

To encourage customers to participate in satisfaction surveys, keep them concise. Lengthy surveys can discourage participation. Rather than asking a lot of questions, focus on a few key questions that provide the most actionable insights. 

Clearly communicate the purpose and benefits of the survey to customers. Explain how their feedback will contribute to improving products, services, or the overall customer experience and highlight that their opinions will be considered for future enhancements. If it’s within your budget, consider offering incentives or rewards to customers who complete the survey.

Use multiple channels to deliver timely surveys, so you can cater to customer preferences. Offer options such as email, SMS, website pop-ups, or mobile app notifications. For example, after their product has been delivered, send them a mobile app notification asking them to complete a survey to rate their satisfaction with your company and product.

Social media comments and messages 

Social media platforms provide your customers with a space to share their experiences, opinions, and feedback. Businesses can leverage social media comments and messages to gather customer feedback and gain valuable insights. You can use both user-generated content (UGC) — posts created by customers, including reviews, photos, videos, and testimonials related to your brand’s products or services — and responses to your own brand posts. 

Monitor the comments and interactions on UGC posts to uncover authentic customer feedback. Look for recurring themes, sentiments, and specific pain points mentioned by customers. For example, if many folks are consistently saying your clothing products tend to run small, you can bring that to your product team and work with them on a resolution like Vertbaudet did with a maternity line.

Or consider adding a sizing chart and size info to your product descriptions to help customers understand your brands’ particular measurements.  

Also, look at your own product posts and direct messages for customer feedback and, as with UGC content, search for commonalities in the commentary. 

Customer support interactions 

Customer support interactions are a valuable opportunity to gather customer feedback. These interactions, whether through phone calls, live chat, email, or support tickets, offer a direct line of communication to customers who may have questions, concerns, or suggestions. Consider implementing a workflow for logging customer feedback during these interactions so you can capture and analyze valuable insights more effectively.

Your workflow could be as simple as asking agents to document feedback in your CRM. Or you could employ a specific feedback tool that they would use during each interaction. Ask agents to include key details when documenting feedback, such as the customer’s name, contact information, date of interaction, nature of the issue or suggestion, and any additional context to give a comprehensive view of the feedback.

Regularly review and analyze the logged feedback to extract meaningful consumer insights. Look for common themes, recurring issues, or emerging trends that can inform product enhancements, identify training opportunities for support teams, or drive process improvements. 

Online forums and communities

Online platforms like Reddit and Quora allow individuals to engage in discussions, seek advice, and share their experiences with other consumers. You can tap into these online communities to gather feedback and information to improve your products and overall customer experience. 

Start by establishing a regular cadence — such as monthly or quarterly — to collect data from online forums and communities. Set aside time to search for discussions, threads, or posts related to your brand, products, or industry. You can filter through the platforms to look for mentions of your brand, products, or services. 

Document any insights you get from these platforms so you can analyze the sentiment expressed in the discussions. Use these insights to gauge customer satisfaction levels and identify areas of concern. Look for recurring themes or common issues mentioned by multiple users. This analysis can provide insights into product strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for product enhancement.

Ways to analyze customer feedback data

There’s a few key ways to analyze feedback to get the most valuable insights. Use these tactics to get a more holistic view of your customers’ perceptions and feelings toward your brand and product. 

Categorizing and grouping customer feedback into distinct topics or clusters that share common characteristics helps you make sense of vast amounts of unstructured data, such as customer reviews, open-ended survey responses, and social media comments. 

Recognizing themes and trends in your customer feedback analysis can inform product development and enhancement strategies. By aligning product features with customer needs and desires, you’re better equipped to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There’s several tools and techniques to use when you want to identify key themes and trends in customer feedback. 

  • Text mining: Text-mining tools analyze unstructured text data to identify patterns and extract relevant information. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques are commonly used in text mining to identify sentiment, keywords, and themes from customer feedback
  • Topic modeling: Topic modeling is an NLP technique that groups similar words or phrases into clusters, representing specific topics within the data. Algorithms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) are used for topic modeling to uncover hidden themes
  • Cluster analysis: Cluster analysis is a statistical technique used to group similar data points based on their characteristics. In customer feedback analysis, cluster analysis can be applied to groups of customers with similar feedback, enabling businesses to identify distinct customer segments

After you’ve gathered the information and categorized it, start by prioritizing themes and issues based on their frequency, impact on customer experience, and alignment with business goals. Addressing high-priority items first ensures an efficient use of resources.

Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the process of using data to determine the sentiment or emotion expressed in all types of customer feedback. This analysis categorizes the text as positive, negative, or neutral, providing valuable insights into customer perceptions and feelings toward a product, brand, or service. 

Sentiment analysis helps identify specific pain points and issues that customers may be facing. Businesses can use this information to prioritize improvements and address critical concerns.

To conduct this analysis, brands use automated tools that review text with NLP algorithms. Certain tools (like Bazaarvoice’s Insights & Reports 👀) offer specific and actionable recommendations to strengthen marketing efforts. Insights & Reports provides a holistic view of consumers’ sentiment across retail channels. With the use of automated tools, businesses can monitor customer sentiment in real time, enabling rapid responses to negative sentiment and the timely identification of emerging trends or issues.

Interpreting sentiment-analysis results involves understanding the distribution of sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) and the context in which it occurs using four key steps. 

  • Segmentation: Segment the data based on relevant factors, such as product categories, customer demographics, or time periods. This allows for more granular analysis and enables targeted improvements
  • Contextual analysis: Consider the context in which sentiments are expressed. Sometimes, customer feedback may appear negative but include constructive criticism that can drive positive changes
  • Comparisons: Compare sentiment analysis results over different time periods or against competitors to identify trends or changes in customer perception
  • Actionable insights: Translate sentiment analysis results into actionable insights. Use the information to drive product enhancements, adjust marketing strategies, and prioritize customer experience improvements

Sentiment analysis gives you valuable customer feedback insights that allow you to make data-driven decisions to strengthen your product offerings.

Quantitative analysis

This customer feedback analysis approach involves the use of metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and numerical data. It involves converting qualitative feedback into quantifiable data for analysis, so businesses can measure and track customer satisfaction, identify trends, and make data-backed decisions. 

Quantitative metrics allow you to compare your performance over time. This process aids in setting performance targets and monitoring progress toward achieving them. It also reduces your reliance on assumptions and intuition. It enables you to make informed choices based on concrete, data-driven evidence.

Tracking quantitative feedback effectively requires four steps.

  1. Establish baseline metrics: Begin by establishing baseline metrics for customer satisfaction and other key performance indicators. These metrics serve as reference points for comparison in the future
  2. Collect data regularly: Continuously collect quantitative data from customer surveys, feedback forms, and other sources. This data can include ratings, scores, and numerical responses
  3. Use visualization tools: Utilize data visualization tools like charts and graphs to represent quantitative data visually. This makes it easier to spot trends and patterns over time
  4. Set up tracking mechanisms: Implement tracking mechanisms to capture changes in customer sentiment and satisfaction over specific periods, such as monthly or quarterly

Create an ongoing plan to analyze the quantitative data to identify trends and changes in customer feedback. Look for improvements or declines in key metrics and investigate underlying factors.

Take action on your customer feedback analysis

Acting on customer feedback is crucial for driving product improvements, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering loyalty — it’s why you collect it in the first place! When a brand responds to a review, be it positive or negative, both past and future shoppers pay attention.

Prioritize feedback

When customers share urgent concerns or complaints, quick action shows that their feedback is valued and taken seriously — 91% of shoppers say a brand should respond to social media posts the same day that they’re posted.

Failing to address critical issues promptly can lead to customer frustration, negative word-of-mouth, and potentially lost business. Start by creating categories for feedback based on severity and impact.

  • Urgent or critical: Identify feedback that requires immediate attention, such as product defects, service outages, or safety concerns. Escalate these issues to relevant departments for immediate resolution
  • High priority: Address feedback that has a significant impact on the customer experience or a considerable number of customers. These issues should be tackled promptly to prevent widespread dissatisfaction
  • Medium priority: Feedback that indicates areas for improvement but may not have an immediate, severe impact can be categorized as medium priority. Plan for timely action on these issues
  • Low priority: Feedback that represents minor improvements or isolated incidents can be classified as low priority. Address these issues when higher-priority concerns have already been addressed

Prioritizing your feedback lets you know if you need to escalate it to other people or departments. 

Escalate feedback

Escalating feedback becomes necessary when addressing certain issues that require cross-functional collaboration or input from specialized departments. 

  • Technical issues: When customers report complex technical issues or software bugs that need involvement from the technical or development team for resolution
  • Product suggestions: Feedback suggesting significant product enhancements or new features that require input from the product management team
  • Legal or compliance matters: Feedback involving legal or compliance concerns that need involvement from the legal department
  • High-value customers: When feedback comes from high-value or key customers, it may warrant special attention and escalation to senior management or dedicated customer relationship managers

Create a plan for escalating feedback that includes which situations need to be escalated and the proper workflow for escalating feedback. For example, if you have urgent/critical feedback, give a time frame (e.g., one to two hours) on when it needs to be escalated to a senior team member in the relevant department.

Define the channel folks should use to escalate feedback, too, whether via email, a messaging system, or a call. 

Monitor feedback-driven improvements

When feedback results in improvements or changes to your product offering, monitor these changes so you can evaluate the impact. Monitoring feedback-driven improvements helps you understand the effectiveness of your actions, assess customer sentiment post-improvement, and make data-driven decisions for further enhancements.

Establish a customer feedback loop so you can continuously improve. You can encourage customers to share feedback on the changes made. You can even follow up with customers by sending them post-implementation surveys or customer interviews to gather additional insights.

Examples of brands leveraging customer feedback analysis

Success stories can offer insights and inspiration if you’re trying to leverage feedback for your own brand. Here’s two examples of brands that used customer feedback analysis to drive results. 

Fresh uses reviews and ratings to increase engagement and revenue

Fresh, a beauty and skincare brand, faced the challenge of increasing brand awareness, building trust, and driving customer engagement to boost product sales. To address this, Fresh partnered with Bazaarvoice and used our Ratings & Reviews and Retail Syndication tools. Collecting and sharing authentic reviews across its website and partner sites helped Fresh create an inviting shopping experience that resonated with potential customers.

UGC allowed customers to gain insights into product efficacy and quality, compensating for the inability to test products physically. As a result, Fresh witnessed a remarkable 10.7% conversion rate for those engaging with UGC and experienced an astounding 7,702% increase in review volume.

This impactful feedback loop led to an overall revenue increase of $1.48 million, illustrating the power of leveraging customer feedback to drive engagement and revenue growth.

Électro Dépôt makes customer feedback central to its marketing strategy

Électro Dépôt, an online electronics retailer, successfully integrated customer feedback into its marketing strategy with the help of Bazaarvoice. To address its challenges of raising brand awareness and identifying products that fell short of premium quality standards, it established a community of engaged customers who actively shared product reviews and interacted through questions and answers.

By analyzing customer feedback, Électro Dépôt identified product strengths and areas for improvement, empowering it to provide an authentic and informative shopping experience.

The inclusion of customer reviews on product pages helped Électro Dépôt double conversion rates for reviewed products while maintaining an impressive average product satisfaction score of 4.1 out of 5.

Integrate customer feedback analysis into your business strategy

In today’s competitive marketplace, you need all of the tools in your tool belt to help you understand your customers and meet their demands. As we explore various ways to collect, analyze, and leverage customer feedback analysis, one thing is clear: data-driven decisions fueled by authentic customer insights can lead to transformative growth.

And with Bazaarvoice, you have access to unmatched solutions like Ratings & Reviews and Insights & Reports to empower your business. With our tools, you can increase your number of reviews and ratings, gain actionable intelligence, and drive profound customer engagement.

To learn more, join Caroline Macmillan, E-commerce Product Content Merchandiser at Arc’teryx, as she outlines Arc’teryx’s strategic approach to responding to customer feedback, like Q&A and reviews, in our on-demand masterclass Arc’teryx’s review strategy: Acquiring and responding to customer feedback.

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