Use UGC to enhance products
Customer feedback that fuels product innovation.
Your customers know your product best. So let them tell you how to make it better. Open the door for customer feedback, and next thing you know, you’ll have a line out the metaphorical door. With all these customer insights at your fingertips, you’ll never have to guess what they want next.

Data-driven transformation
Customer content spurs innovation
Do you know exactly what your customers love about your products – and what they don’t? Use the feedback they give you through user-generated content (UGC) to restrategize. Create new hero products you never would have thought of. Then bring them to market and blow the competition out of the water.

Propel product enhancements
Insights drive transformation
The biggest brands have customer-centricity at the heart of their strategy. Win at retail by utilizing the voice of the customer to build their confidence and your revenue. Let our team do the legwork for you. We’ll give you actionable insights by analyzing data across your customer reviews. We’ll tell you what new features your customers crave. We’ll analyze customer sentiment. And even tell you what information to include in your messaging – just like we did for Nestlé.

Explore our products
Visual Content
Download our e-book
The smart marketer’s guide to finding and using customer insights
Build relationships with your customers to find out what they care about. Leverage reviews and other content to mine sentiment, identify new opportunities, and foster brand advocacy. Find out how savvy businesses build plans around concrete customer insights.

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