Community outreach
We're stronger together
Community outreach is an integral part of the core values of Bazaarvoice. To name a few things, we prioritize supporting our employees’ involvement in acts of service. We match employee contributions to causes and non-profits within our dedicated, employee-chosen pillars. And our team members can redeem points for charitable donations through our employee recognition program.

In addition, we dedicate b:generous week towards charitable activities each year. During this dedicated week of service, our employees across the globe take time out of their normal work week to support volunteer efforts, donations, and time towards non-profits in our pillars. We bring our whole selves to not just our company mission, but our community commitments as well. Our employees are encouraged to use their unique talents and work together to create a spark in our communities. Because we are stronger together.

Show us how you choose to #bgenerous.
Share the moments that inspire you.
Sustainability efforts
Along with our office wide sustainability efforts, we have the support of our Green@BV Sustainability Committee to update our practices and educate our team on current environmental issues. In addition, with each new hire globally, we plant a tree through Treedom, a company committed to improving the air quality we all breathe.

Empowering Women in STEM
To encourage the next generation of female tech leaders and empower them in their field, we choose female students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in a technical field of study to receive an academic scholarship each year.
We provide ongoing support for women in STEM through this scholarship, events, panels, and more.