Bazaarvoice is committed to doing business with uncompromising integrity. This means we behave ethically and in compliance with all applicable legal requirements. Bazaarvoice’s compliance program takes a risk-based approach and includes compliance policies, training and awareness, due diligence in staffing and delegation of authority, incentives, discipline, and auditing and monitoring. It is managed by our General Counsel & Compliance Officer and is overseen by our Board and our Executive Leadership Team. To facilitate our ability to respond to questions about ethics and compliance matters, and to detect and respond to suspected illegal or unethical conduct, we have established a confidential reporting channel, which is administered by an independent third party. Questions and concerns about suspected misconduct can be raised anonymously where allowed by law. Retaliation against individuals who ask questions, report concerns or cooperate in internal investigations will not be tolerated.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

To this end, our Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.


U.K. Modern Slavery Statement

As stated in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Bazaarvoice is committed to upholding the fundamental human rights of our employees and expect our vendors, partners and others who provide services on our behalf to adhere to the same high standards. This includes compliance with the U.K. Modern Slavery Act (“Act”).
