Level up your brand growth strategy: elements of an effective content mix to drive ROI

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Key takeaways

The elements of an effective creator and UGC marketing strategy
How to drive brand growth and ROI with your content
Key metrics to measure the effectiveness of your creator campaigns
How to avoid this one trap when it comes to measuring strategy effectiveness
  • Summary

    How do you drive brand growth with content that will live rent-free in your shoppers’ minds?

    Social content is changing the game for all content — fast. And the name of the game is effectiveness. That means creating the best content mix — complete with creator content and user-generated content (UGC) — that will grow a community of loyal buyers and ensure long-term brand success.

    And you can learn how to do just that with the help of two leaders in the space: Jo Callahan, VP of Client Strategy and Insights at Bazaarvoice (who has an extensive background in media, including over 10 years at Unilever), and Nisarg Shah, the co-founder of affable.ai, the AI-driven creator marketing platform that’s helped hundreds of brands activate killer campaigns.

    Learn how to drive real impact — plus, easily measure those results so you can understand the performance of your full-funnel marketing strategy.