The state of e-commerce contextualization
The state of e-commerce contextualization
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It’s clear shopping trends will continue to evolve as consumers adapt to the impact the pandemic has had on all areas of their personal and professional lives. But will these consumer behaviors stick?
As the world continues to adjust to a new way of living with COVID-19, experts are assessing its impact on the world of retail and trying to understand how the pandemic will cause permanent changes in shopping behavior. As shopping trends continue to shift, insight into which will play out in the long term and stick, and those trends which may be fleeting, will be necessary for brands and retailers to act with agility and adapt their business models and services accordingly.
That’s why at Bazaarvoice, we undertook a global survey of 8,062 participants across six countries (the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the United States) about their motivators and barriers to purchase. The survey results reflect on shopping behavior when the regional lockdowns started, when lockdown eased, and finally, respondents provided insights into what the future may hold. In this e-book we identified the four key consumer behaviors that have stood out as likely to be long-lasting beyond lockdown:
Download your copy of this e-book to delve more into these emerging, and likely permanent, trends.