4 ways to increase orders on Argos.co.uk

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  • Summary

    In this deep-dive with Argos & Sainsbury’s Group Head of Consumer Generated Content, Tom Cusack, we discuss the value of syndicating UGC to customers on Argos.co.uk and the power of product sampling to collect the content. We share the key tactics you can tap into as part of your UGC strategy to gain a competitive edge and stand out on the digital shelf.

    In this webinar, you’ll learn:

    • How you can achieve a 57% order lift1 when visitors engage with Ratings & Reviews on PDPs, and how you can sell more products on Argos.co.uk
    • Why Questions & Answers content results in a 42% lift in orders
    • How to achieve an increase of 3x in sales when social content is featured on your PDPs in addition to Ratings & Reviews2
    • The impact of sampling to provide a steady stream of on-demand content to fuel your UGC programme

    1Bazaarvoice data, based on Argos.com User Generated Content programme
    2Forrester TEI: The Total Economic Impact Of Bazaarvoice, Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By Bazaarvoice, July 2022